Allow Me to RE-Introduce Myself
PodcastsSeason 5 - Episode 10: Allow Me to RE-Introduce Myself-- Real Talk with Life After Grief Chris
Allow me to Re-Introduce myself..... I have been leading up to some very traumatic stuff that has happened in life. I thought that I should lead up to the next podcast (where I fully disclose) with my initial introduction before I could no longer hide what transpired.
Below is what I used to introduce myself on my inaugural podcast.
I am both a financial planner to clients and consultant to other financial planners. I help clients and advisors navigate grief by providing deep insight into what grief is and how to navigate financial matters after the death of a loved one. In 2008, at the peak of the recession, I lost my mother to cancer in August and my father to a broken heart in November. In 2010, my grandmother passed away after a stroke. Then a heart wrenching experience in 2012 of losing my oldest child.
I became a financial planner in 2003 during the process of helping my parents in their declining health. In 2011, three years after my parents passed, I became a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ to better help families in need. Shortly after starting my own financial planning firm, Life After Grief Financial Planning® I was compelled to start Life After Grief Consulting®. Through my consulting practice I teach advisors how to navigate client grief to help them move through financial and emotional grief without damaging their professional relationships. In 2021, I became a Certified Financial Transitionist® to complete my personal and professional experience with formal education and scientific theory.
My personal experiences and knowledge of grief and loss of loved ones helps me to understand and assist families enduring similar situations. I’ve helped over 400 families navigate many financial issues and life circumstances such as grieving loss of loved ones.
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See you on the next episode.
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