Brain Fog
PodcastsSeason 5 - Episode 4: Brain Fog
In this episode we explore Brain Fog. Simply stated, Brain Fog is the brain's way of protecting itself.
Brain Fog clouds memory function during times of grief, trauma or extreme stress. Specifically, concentration and mental acuity are affected.
I noted having a hard time juggling normal tasks while feeling overwhelmed. I also seemed to forget things with regularity until the brain fog passed.
In my travels and seeking guidance from professionals, I have come across a very good tool which helped me navigate through the brain fog much quicker. The tool is called the Self Care Wheel. During times of grief and trauma many people forget or lose sight of the things that keep them fully functional like sleep, exercise, going to church, hanging out with friends/family, meditation, etc. The Self Care Wheel is a simple reminder of things that keep you grounded and functioning normally. I have also found refocusing with the Self Care Wheel reduces the effects of memory fog. Here is the link: Self Care Wheel
As indicated on the show, here is a link that explains all about brain fog.... Balanced Wheel
Cheers and see you on the next episode.
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