Brian Thompson, JD, CFP ® -The Mission Driven Man
PodcastsEpisode 41: Brian Thompson, JD, CFP ®--The Mission Driven Man serving a new generation of LGBTQ+, mission-driven entrepreneurs
I have the pleasure of introducing Season 4 with a rockstar. Please meet Brian Thompson, JD, CFP® of Brian Thompson Financial (BTF). He is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and tax attorney. Brian runs a truly unique firm, but I will get to that in a bit.
Brian and I have both struggled as African American brothers in the financial industry. We have both persevered and achieved happiness in our own lives, which has translated to success for the clients we serve.
Brian and I dig deep into our personal struggles and how it has affected us equally, as well as differently, while growing our financial practices. We also demonstrate a brotherhood that holds each other accountable. On a side note, our struggles have brought on a financial acuity that cannot be learned in any one book.
Now more about Brian and his awesome firm...
BTF focuses on helping a new generation of LGBTQ+, mission-driven entrepreneurs living fulfilling lives both professionally and personally. He and his firm do this by abiding by four core business values.
During this episode we go through Brian's core values, which truly embody the business he runs, life decisions, happiness and the lessons he has learned along the way:
- Lead by Example: We take care of ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually to be the best we can in serving our clients and show them by example what living a fulfilling life looks like.
- Choose Courage: We embrace our uniqueness and dare to be who we are in the face of uncertainty, discomfort, risk, and emotional exposure. Belonging in this firm doesn’t require you to change who you are but to be who you are.
- Listen Deeply & Speak with Care: We come to each conversation with an open mind rather than the “right answer.” We tell the whole truth to ourselves, our clients, and each other.
- Appreciate All that We Have: Rather than focus on extraordinary moments, we appreciate the everyday joy of showing up for our clients and helping make their lives better.
We can all learn by Brian's core values. Thanks for listening!
#surroundingyourselfwithgoodpeople #mentoring #mentorship #positivity #missiondriven
#healthyboundaries #healthyboundariesmatter #boundaries#boundariesarehealthy#boundariesareimportant #boundariesmatter#howtohelpafterloss #helpagrievingfriend #grief #griefjourney #lossofalovedone #lossofaparent #lossofachild #ElderlyCare #caregiversupport #caregiver #caregivertips #caregiving #caregiverlife #caregiverburnout #therightteam #financialplanner #mentorship
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