Child Abuse & 'Infidelity': My Story, Pt. 1
PodcastsSeason 5 - Episode 11: Child Abuse & Infidelity - My Story, Pt. 1
I have been leading up to some heavy stuff this season. I have also been told that my willingness to share my experiences with trauma could ultimately help others with theirs. I am opening up about some of the traumas of my past.
Infidelity and Child Abuse are often taboo topics. Unfortunately, I have trauma from both as they overlapped most of my life. Take listen to my story. If it resonates, I hope it helps you. If you know someone that experiences any part of my story, please share. This type of trauma is often bottled up and not dealt with and can have lasting effects on someone's life as well as the intimate relationships they attempt to foster.
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See you on the next episode.
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