Financial Steps for Widows
PodcastsEpisode 43: Financial Steps for Widows
On the heels of an amazing episode with Carolyn Moor of the Modern Widows club, I thought it would be appropriate to share Financial Steps for Widows. I break the steps into Emotional and Technical (Financial).
Emotional.... As emotions drive decision making, I encourage all grievers to give themselves space to breathe.
- Let your emotions out. They are normal.
- Surround yourself with positive people and positive energy.
- Know your grief counseling status.
- Connect with your Financial Planner--I am usually the first point of contact and connect all other professionals, so my client can focus on healing.
- Connect with your estate planner.
- Handle all arrangements.
- Legal documentation--I provide the framework.
- Notifying government agencies-I assist.
- Canceling credit cards and Driver's license--I assist.
- Listen to find more.
As a side note, my clients contact me first as I provide a safe space for them to simply grieve. I do that by ensuring them I will take care of the financial aspect and by taking as much as possible off their place. I take the stress out of the unknown as I provide a process to take care of financial matters.Thanks for listening!
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