Helping Fellow Financial Planner, John Chesbrough, CFP®, Support a Client in Grief
PodcastsEpisode 21: Helping Fellow Financial Planner, John Chesbrough, CFP®, Support a Client in Grief
In this episode I am very fortunate to interview my earliest advisor, John Chesbrough, CFP®, whom I helped through a daunting, terminal client diagnosis. Listen to John as he helped a client navigate anticipatory grief.
John is the owner and founder of Trail Financial Planning, which is based out of Bellingham, WA. He enjoys working with people who care for others and their community – firefighters, therapists, doctors, nurses and teachers. John is an exercise enthusiast who is also a husband and father. John was the foundation upon which I found a calling helping advisors work with clients in grief.
John is a good friend and mentor and I am very thankful he agreed to be on today's podcast.
Don't forget the course John mentioned in which he gained a lot of the information and tools he used with his client in grief. https://courses.lifeaftergriefconsulting.com/
You can find more about John and his firm at https://www.trailfp.com/
If you are ever looking for help with your personal situation go to www.lifeaftergriffp.com
If you are an advisor looking looking to support your client in grief go to www.lifeaftergriefconsulting.com
Thanks for listening!
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