Marriage and Child Loss
PodcastsEpisode 48: Marriage & Child Loss
In today's episode I dig headfirst into a very sensitive topic -- Marriage and Child Loss. I wanted to start out the podcast with a powerful resource for any parent facing child loss.https://marriagemissions.com/childs-death-changes-everything/
I also wanted to provide a list of tips from the resource above.
- You Become Different People after Child Loss
- Work together in grief
- Most Couples Worry -- allow space
- History Together is important
- Determination to Stay Together
- You’ll Grieve Differently -- know and understand that
- Grace for Different Paces of Grieving -- allow each other space
- Outward Emotions Can Be Different
- Different Wants and Emotions during grief
- There is No One Way to Grief
- Deaths Dealt with in the Past
- Undermining Difficulties -- financial, dependency, stress, etc.
- Some Struggle in Their Relationship and Some Don't
- Financial Impact
I understand this is a sensitive topic and wanted to provide powerful insight and resources to folks who may be going at the process alone. I hope you liked this episode.
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