My Home Was Raided By the Police...
PodcastsEpisode 18: My Home Was Raided By the Police
In the winter of 2010, I received some alarming calls that my parents' home was being raided by the police. Consequently, I received this news the day I returned from my paternal grandmother's funeral. I had rented the home to older college students (late 20s with their parents' co-signing on the lease). This was a tough situation and long drawn-out. Although this situation was heart wrenching, it reinforced me to have the right team around me. The team for me at that moment in time was: defense attorney, real estate attorney and deputy sheriff. I use my experience to educate clients to have the right team around them. In my experience, the right client team is comprised of: financial planner, insurance advisor, estate planning attorney, banker and accountant. I serve as my client's first point of contact and usually introduce my clients to their right team. I also find client team members who may be unique to their situation, such as the one I described above. I also keep in close contact with my client's team, and in some regards hold them accountable. I also use my experience to educate advisors in the value of having the right team in place for themselves and their clients. I recently had an advisor reach out to me requesting a defense attorney for a client. My job is not to be judgmental, but to serve my clients honestly, fairly and with my fiduciary hat.
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