Role Modeling
PodcastsEpisode 34: Role Modeling
In this week's episode, I talk about a chance encounter in which I was asked to mentor a young boy some 20 plus years ago. This chance encounter forged into a brotherhood. The brotherhood turned into a situation where the young boy turned into a man and would pave the way for his brothers, creating better life circumstances. I am talking about my younger brother from another mother, Ronald Street.
I was ignorant that I was always being watched as a young man. The faith and values my parents instilled in me were noticed by a college professor. My college professor asked me to mentor a young man without a constant father figure in his life. I had no idea that this chance encounter would allow me to shape a young man to do better for his family.
I was equally as fortunate as Ron because his mother trusted me with her special gift to give and expose him to a new world beyond the confines of a small town. My time with Ron helped me grow and mature as a young man as I constantly knew I was his role model.
Sadly, Ron passed away at the tender age of 31. I have felt a lot of grief in my life, but this was different. I felt an emptiness because I spent so much time and energy helping Ron think beyond his current situation and bettering himself. I did take solace in the fact that Ron did pave the way for his brothers.
Ron possessed a desire to mature and pay life's blessings forward. He also demonstrated financial literacy and knowledge of ways to improve his individual life circumstance as a result of our short life together. I am forever grateful to his mother for allowing us to spend unabated time together as well as her complete trust.
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