Super Survivor Donna Kendrick
PodcastsSeason 5 - Episode 3: Super Survivor Donna Kendrick
I am pleased to introduce Super Survivor Donna Kendrick. Donna was widowed in 2013. Remarkably, she made Super Survivor status in her plight to make life easier for other widows after her own experience. Donna found life after grief when she found new love and remarried in 2022. She now enjoys an expanded family with six children.
Donna focuses on helping families in transition.
Donna has many resources available including her podcast, Widow Wisdom and Wealth. She has a very intriguing financial biases survey, which has extended downloads available. She also delivers tremendous value through her blog.
Donna and her tremendous resources can be found at https://sephtonfinancial.com.
Donna is a star and I was happy to have her on the show.
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