Super Survivor Megan Kopka
PodcastsSeason 5 - Episode 9: Super Survivor Megan Kopka
Today I had the extreme pleasure of interviewing and learning from Megan Kopka, CFP®, CRPC®. Megan is wonderful financial planner with a ton of experience in both life and career.
Megan is also a widow who had the daunting experience of being a caregiver for her husband while raising two children. Her ability to not only make it through the experience, but to help others in their journey, is truly remarkable. I am honored to learn from her.
Megan mentions a wonderful organization on the program, Inheritance of Hope. Inheritance of Hope seeks to bring a community of support to families facing ALS, cancer, or other life-threatening illness of a parent who would normally feel alone in their journey. This organization was instrumental in helping Megan and her family through their journey.
Through our conversation you will understand why Megan is a Super Survivor as she used her experience with tragedy to help others.
Megan can be reached through her website Kopkafinancial.com.
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