The Art of Giving Back Through Mentorship with Mike Jackson
PodcastsEpisode 26: The Art of Giving Back Through Mentorship with Mike Jackson
On today's episode, I interview a truly driven and philanthropic family man. Please meet Mike Jackson. I met Mike over a decade ago through our mutual love of competing on the basketball court. In our interview, you will hear his perspective of making significant sacrifices for family. We also explore how our complicated (and grief driven) paths as black men has shaped and narrowed our focus as God-fearing fathers. Mike is a dynamic man who chose to leave corporate America to become a successful real estate entrepreneur. Mike's decision came as a response to missing valuable family time. He is a terrific person who has dedicated his life to paying it forward by consistently seeking out mentorship to make others better.
I also share a special story about a member of the Orlando Magic organization who blessed me with guidance and mentorship during the early phases of my grief journey.
Mike can be found at online at Mikepjackson.com. He can be found on YouTube at Mike Sells Orlando.
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Please note that his wraps up Season 2. Season 3 will start again on July 13, 2022. Thanks for listening!
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