The Super Survivor Mindset
PodcastsSeason 5 - Episode 2: The Super Survivor Mindset
This episode is all about Super Survivors. A Super Survivor is an individual that faces tragedy head on, turns it on its head and makes use of the tragedy in a manner that helps others.
I talk about a book, which I will refer to periodically this season---Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life’s Greatest Challenges by Steven M. Southwick & Dennis S. Charney.
On Page 230 we dive into what sets a Super Survivor apart from someone who is resilient alone.
A Super Survivor:
1. Faces Facts: accepts what has happened
2. Chooses Life: lives for the future and not the past
3. Reaches Out: connects with other survivors
4. Gets Moving: set goals and takes action
I use myself as an example throughout this episode as I display many qualities described above.
Super Survivors are outstanding individuals who have used the experience of a traumatic event(s) to reshape the future of someone else. How cool is that?
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