Vetting and Dreading the Nursing Home
PodcastsEpisode 7: Vetting and Dreading the Nursing Home
In this episode, we will make the nursing home process much more palatable. We will give some key resources to carefully vetting nursing homes. We will also provide access to checklist to give your own review of a prospective nursing home.
As referenced in the podcast, I have compiled a short list of resources to help in your journey in the event you have to select (or help select) a nursing home or skilled cared facility in short order.
A. Nursing Home and Rehab Facility Ratings and Comparisons
- https://www.medicare.gov/nursinghomecompare/search.html
- https://www.memberofthefamily.net/
- https://www.carepathways.com
B. Nursing Home Checklist
- https://www.medicare.gov/NursingHomeCompare/checklist.pdf
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